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Edwin & Matthew Good Band at the Outpost, October 1999

I was so excited to be going to this concert. I went up to Thunder Bay earlier that day and lost my wallet, with my ID (well it wasn't really mine) and all my money. That was a little set back. I had to go back to the store, and back to the resturant I had eaten at, and luckily it was there. So then I got excited again.

We went to the Outpost, and stood in line for like an hour. Mike was upset because he was
on the guest list, and didn't think that we would have to wait. But I guess we did. But atleast he got
to get in free anyways.

We sat there for a while waiting for the concert to begin. Mike went to get a drink and I just sat at the table, when I saw my friends Tanis, Heather and Alyssa come in. We sat there for a while and then the concert began.

The opener was Tood Kerns (formerlly of Age of Electric). He did pretty good, but it was obvious that t
he crowd was there to see Edwin + Matthew Good.

After Tood Kerns short set Edwin came out. He was wearing a red flame shirt with black pants.
He looked pretty excited to be there. He was playing excellent, but the crowd didn't seem to be
responding. So he said "You know what? I have to wear these ear plugs on here, so I can't tell if
your cheering!" So then everyone started cheering loudly after that.

Edwin was talkative during the concert, and we learned that it was Kennys birthday! So the whole
crowd joined in singing "Happy Birthday". It was nice.

Another exciting part of the concert was when Edwin said "Do you know who I ran into last night
at the hotel? [*hint- they arrived at Thunder Bay that afternoon and weren't staying over night*] The
new singer for I Mother Earth. He said he was going to be here tonight. Do you think he'll like this?" And then they started playing "One More Astronaught". It was an exciting end to the show.

We waited a while and then MGB came out. K I C K A S S! THATS THE WAY WE SPELL
SUCCESS! The crowd started cheering and out walked the band! Everyone was going crazy!
They put on a really exciting show. (Sorry I can't remember the order of songs) But they did play
Appiritions, Hello Time Bomb, Everything is Automatic, Ricco and Load Me Up. On the amp it said
"DADDY LIKES IT". We got out of the concert at like 1:00 and then I still had to drive the long hour
home, but it was definitely worth it!